Mustang Express
Designed by Yoonjoo Oh
Do you remember how it felt when you first visited CVMS? Do you remember once being a 5th grader, looking around your assigned middle school with interest? January 14th, 16th, and 18th marked Mustang Express week; 5th-grade students from Laurel Mountain, Spicewood, and Kathy Caraway Elementary School came to CVMS, to have a glimpse of what the middle school they’re going to go is like.
To show the potential of each elective, band, orchestra, choir, and theater performed in front of the 5th graders. And art, technology, and others showed a slideshow. Sixth grade Mustang Express guides led the 5th graders around the school, from top to bottom.
To make their visit a good one, many students, teachers, and staffs worked hard with effort.
Sixth Graders
As you know, 6th graders are picked to guide the 5th graders around the school. But not all 6th graders students who are eligible enough are selected. From the 6th grade hall to the fine arts hall, the 5th graders toured around the school.
“I feel very proud to be one of the guides, to be a part of CVMS,” said Shraddha Chaudhari (6). “When I first came to CVMS, I was so nervous and worried for my grades. But the 5th graders seem to be so comfortable and excited. They say that they were looking forward in coming to CVMS and that they hope to have a good year. It feel really good about it. I want them to feel like CVMS is a safe, friendly place, and that they’re lucky to come here.”
Band, orchestra, choir, and theater performed in front of the 5th graders.
First, art teachers showed a short slideshow about art. Theater was next, with stories of experiences on the first day of school, showed through a play. Then orchestra. On Monday, they only played ‘Signs of Life’, but on Wednesday, started with ‘Baby Shark’ instead, drawing laughs. Choir sang 3 songs, each sang by the girls, boys, and then all together. Band was last, playing ‘Seven Nation Army’ decorating the final.
“The music is quite challenging since it’s a high school level music,” said Elise Wong(7) from band, “but since we want them(5th graders)to be inspired and join band when they become 6th graders, it was an enjoyable experience.”
Even though preparing for Mustang Express wasn’t an easy thing to do, many are very positive for the future 6th graders of Canyon Vista.

Yoonjoo is a 7th grade student who loves reading, drawing, and music. She is learning to be more comfortable with computers by working her best as a reporter...