Rocking the Holidays With CVMS Band
On Dec. 6, band put on their annual holiday concert in the gym. The beginner band performed at 6 p.m. and the seventh and eighth grade bands performed at 7:30 pm. It was the beginner band’s first holiday concert, while for others, it was just another opportunity to showcase their skills. Family and friends came to support CVMS students and get ready for the holidays. There were common and traditional holiday carols that most know and love.
The concert started with the beginner band. To start each section played different songs such as:
Saxophone- Here We Come A-wassailing
Flute- Flute Bell Carol
Double Reeds- Jingle Bell Rock
Clarinets- Joy To The World
Trumpets- Up on The Housetop
Horns- Deck The Halls
Trombones- Jingle Bells
Euphoniums/Tubas- In The Hall of The Teupha King
Percussion- Frosty The Snowman
In the end they all played The Good King Rocks. “The Good King Rocks was my favorite that we played. I loved playing with the entire band,” Maddie Kozel (6) said.
“It was a very enjoyable experience, but it was also scary,” Dasha Bobrovskikh (6), beginner band saxophone, said. “It was cool to hear different instruments play in harmony.”
Later, the Select Symphonic, directed by Ms. Stehn, played Spitfire Concert March, Arabian Dances, and How the Grinch Stole Christmas Medley. Symphonic, directed by Ms. Parsons, played Dance Celebration, Shenandoah, and Let It Snow. “My favorite song we played was Dance Celebration. It was a cheery, fast song,” Abraham Kunnan (7) said.
“It was really fun performing, but you feel like you’re going to mess up, and then you don’t,” Anaya Zia (7), symphonic oboe, said. Honors band, directed by Ms. Parsons, played Christmas Festival, Requiem To a Land Forgotten, and Solstice Dance.
“It was a good experience, all the practice paid off,” Derek Shen (8), honors alto saxophone, said.
Several band members had gone to district or regional, and they got recognition in the program, but of course, all band members put in all their effort, hard work, and time.
But they couldn’t have put on the show without their band directors, Ms. Parsons and Ms. Stehn. The concert left everyone in good moods and holiday spirits were high. The stands were full of cheering crowds excited to hear the different instruments come together.
All Canyon Vista bands will perform at a concert on May 7 in the Performing Arts Center, but there are other concerts and competitions as well. Be sure to be there to support your friends and family.
Here are some photos from the band concert:

Hannah McDonough is an eighth-grader here at Canyon Vista. This is her second year in newsmedia and last year, she received a silver medal in UIL for her...