Hurricane Relief Drives
First it was Harvey, then Irma, and now Hurricane Jose is coming. We all have heard of at least one of these. We all know that the people who’s lives were affected need help. Canyon Vista is doing a diaper drive to help this cause. The advisory that collects the most diapers wins a cupcake party. I personally know that at least one advisory has collected more than 600 diapers, and they are still collecting MORE! I strongly encourage you to bring diapers as well, and that you also donate or help other organizations. The more things you donate, the more lives you help.
There are many ways you can help. Here’s a list of programs you can donate your money and time to.
Church of the Highlands is a church in Alabama that is doing a Hurricane Harvey relief drive. You can donate any amount money without doing much at all. It as an all Christian organization.
Feeding Texas is a non-profit organization that you can donate money to. Their goal is to “coordinate with the state and other providers so that relief reaches families quickly and the ‘second disaster’ of an unorganized response is avoided.”
Save the Children is focused on helping children all around the world to live a good and healthy life.. It donates supplies and services to help the children affected by Hurricane Harvey and Irma.
These are only three of the hundreds of organizations helping the people who’s lives were affected by Hurricane Harvey and Irma. After Hurricane Harvey ended people stopped talking about it, but that doesn’t mean that people’s lives have stopped being affected by these hurricanes. You can still help and make a big impact on people’s lives. We can all do this. If you can’t donate money, you can still donate diapers for our school fundraising that all goes to the Texas Diaper Bank. Make an big, good impact on peoples lives, Mustangs!

Ariel was born in Florida, but moved to Austin at age two. She loves to read, especially the Land of Stories series. Speaking of books, Ariel enjoys Language...