Fall has arrived, and children are getting ready to dress up as superheroes and princesses to go tromping around the neighborhood shrieking for candy. However fall isn’t just the season for trick-or-treating, it is also a chance to snack on not only healthy, but festive foods. At this time of the year, the families living up in New England are participating in a year-round tradition: apple picking.
Apples aren’t just a fun and tasty snack, the Boston Radio states that they also happen to be America’s most creative fruit. “New England is leading this Apple Renaissance with more heirloom orchards out there and pick-your-own orchards with a lot of these old varieties than you can find anywhere else. And, every single seed will produce a new variety if you plant it.”
New England isn’t the only region that uses apples to mark the beginning of fall; people all around the country have opened up their favorite recipe books and baked sweet treats such as apple strudels or apple pie. “We eat apples year-round in our family, but in the fall, drinking apple cider is a seasonal tradition,” states 8th grader Paige Winterberg.
Regarding health, an apple is also a simple and healthy snack that you can take to school. A great fact about this fruit is that they don’t lose any fiber or flavor if they are left out in the open for long periods of time, so if there is no time to grab some cheese and crackers, just grab an apple and throw it in a bag to eat later as a nutritional, tasty snack. According to The Huffington Post, apple peels contain the most fiber in the fruit and also have a component called ursolic acid. This acid is linked to a lower chance of getting obese and keeps one fit. Besides the peel, the apple itself is also full of fibers, and “these fibers are closely connected to a low cholesterol. Not only are apples are full of nutrition, but they give people the extra boost they need to get through their day.
Even though apples are most commonly sold and enjoyed during the fall, they are a fruit that will always be in season due to all its energy and benefits. And no matter how they are consumed, apples will always be a highlight of American culture and diet.