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The Student News Site of Canyon Vista Middle School

Canyon Echoes

The Student News Site of Canyon Vista Middle School

Canyon Echoes

The Student News Site of Canyon Vista Middle School

Canyon Echoes

The fire has destroyed more than 6,700 buildings.

Camp Fire: The Deadliest California Wildfire in History

Claire Lawrence, Reporter November 13, 2018

Introduction Although wildfires in California tend to be fairly common, there is currently an especially deadly fire going on at the moment. Camp Fire is a large wildfire going on in Northern-central...

Top 5 Most Hazardous Animals

Top 5 Most Hazardous Animals

June Jung, Reporter November 13, 2018

From, lions to alligators, we are going to be looking at some of the most hazardous animals on the planet. We will also be looking at some tips to help survive an unlucky encounter. Number 1: Mosquitoes Almost...

Many people have these red signs in protest of the Spicewood Springs Hotel. You may have seen them last year put up near the school.

The Spicewood Springs Hotel

Hannah McDonough, Editor November 12, 2018

A place to sleep near a beautiful creek with amazing trails. This is what the Spicewood Springs Hotel will bring to us. Seems pretty nice, right? Think again. Developer David Khan, tourists, and guests...

How to go zero-waste

How to go zero-waste

Nikita Raman, Reporter November 5, 2018

What is zero waste? It doesn't mean to completely stop throwing trash. It means that you try to create the least amount of trash you can. That means you have to make an extra effort in helping the environment....

photo by Hannah McDonough

Boil Water Notice in Austin

Hannah McDonough, Editor October 26, 2018

Have you noticed all of the "Out of Service" signs on the water fountains? How about the water they hand out in the Student Center? This is due to a boil water notice. A boil water notice is when our water...

Three Phenomena In The World

Three Phenomena In The World

Jessie Van Den Berg, Editor October 24, 2018

Our world is so fascinating, there is so much to be discovered, so much to learn and to question. One of the really intriguing things about Earth is its phenomena. I think it is absolutely insane that...

Global Warming Opinion

Global Warming Opinion

Mehak Mehmi, Reporter October 12, 2018

I think global warming is bad because glaciers are melting, sea levels are rising, cloud forests are dying, and wildlife is suffering to keep pace. It's becoming clear that humans have caused most of...

The F.O.M.O Factory

The F.O.M.O Factory

Jessie Van Den Berg, Editor October 10, 2018

Instagram Aesthetics, Fun settings, Lots of likes. If this describes you and how you control your Instagram account, then hop in the car and go check out the F.O.M.O Factory! The F.O.M.O Factory is a pop-up...

Are there More Introverts or Extroverts and Why?

Are there More Introverts or Extroverts and Why?

June Jung, Reporter September 24, 2018

If you're like me and you've had someone tell you there are more extroverts than introverts, then everyone you meet is most likely an introvert. People tend to confuse introversion with being shy and extrusion...

Science Experiments

Science Experiments

Ehan Umatiya, Reporter September 21, 2018

Science is one of my favorite subjects and I hope to show you why in these experiments: The Fire Table This experiment happens in CVMS every year when the teachers pour rubbing alcohol on the fireproof...

Hurricane Florence

Hurricane Florence

Arsh Gupta, Reporter September 20, 2018

On September 14, 2018, a major hurricane struck the Carolinas. It caused havoc in the area and took many lives. Its name was Florence. Hurricane Florence caused major havoc and destruction. As a category one...

Why Are We Getting So Much Rain?

Why Are We Getting So Much Rain?

Claire Lawrence, Reporter September 13, 2018

Everyone knows that the past summer was hot, humid, and most of all had little to no rain. Maybe you were inside all day, or you don't mind the heat, but you'd have to be blind not to notice this sudden...

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