Cats vs. Dogs

Cats versus Dogs. This is an age-long battle that begs for a winner but doesn’t have one. To help you decide, below are some benefits of owning a cat or a dog.
“Dogs are funnier,” says Naele Assaf, 8th grader. And that’s true. Dogs are one of the most energetic pets. They are also goofy and can be fun to be around. But how else are dogs beneficial? Find out below!
- Dogs help with weight loss
- Dogs need up to 30 minutes to an hour of exercise a day. Owners often times exercise along with their pets. This can help you lose weight while not even knowing it.
- Dogs can help you feel happier
- Brushing your fingers through a dog’s silky hair can help you feel relaxed, which also keeps you happy. Playing with your dog can help you feel happier after a gloomy day.
- Dogs can prevent sickness
- People who own dogs experience less health issues. Dog owners tend to have lower triglyceride, which is the main constituents of natural fats and oils, and cholesterol levels compared to other cat owners. Why? Well dogs expose their owners to a lot of germs, building their owner’s immunity. As a result, dog owners get sick less often than cat owners. Also, if you have little kids at home, that’s not a problem either. Kids who grow up with a dog tend to be less allergenic and have better immune systems too
- Dogs help lower stress levels
- Research shows that dogs can lower stress levels. Simply playing, petting, or watching your dog can lower stress. Other research shows that dog ownership reduces stress hormones that outweigh the the stress of having the responsibility of owning dog.
- Dogs help responsibility
- Speaking of responsibility, dogs can be the perfect way to teach younger children how to be responsible later in their lives. Research shows how responsibility at a young age can lead to success in life later.
“They’re playful and really interesting”, says Grace Bradford, an 8th grader. She believes a cat is just as good as a dog, and that’s true. But there are different benefits to having a pet cat.
- Cats help lower risk of Fatal Heart Attacks
- Stroking your cat’s fur can lower heart rate and blood pressure. Your heart starts beating slower as you calm yourself. Cats are best for old age people who need stress relievers.
- Cats are good with older people
- Cats are low maintenance, making them ideal pets for elderly people who want a companion. Most adult cats require only 20 to 30 minutes of playtime per day, and interactive play does not require the owner to be mobile, which is perfect for elders even with arthritis or body pain.
- Cats have better manners
- Most dogs will greet guests with a jump and a big sloppy kiss, and for some people, they’re not very comfortable with a creature catching them by surprise as they enter the door. Cats don’t do that. Felines usually stay from new guests and will only greet them with a small purr and a little rub on the legs. They tend to be less energetic than dogs.
- Cats have a Smaller Carbon Footprint than Dogs. “A medium-sized dog has a carbon footprint twice that of your standard SUV, just based on the amount of meat the dog would consume in an average year,” says Business Insider. Cats, being smaller, then have a smaller footprint, about the size of a small Volkswagen. It’s still a heavy amount but its way better than an average dog.
- Cat Owners Tend to be Smarter than Dog Owners
- Cat lovers are more introverted, more open-minded and more sensitive than dog lovers. Cat people also prefer to be “expedient rather than follow the rules,” says Huffington Post. They are unlike dog owners, who tend to prefer companionship and are more energetic and sporty.
Though some people prefer cats and others dogs, the debate that has lasted for years may never be truly won. Both cats and dogs have their own way of being unique, beneficial pets. They both have their pros and cons, leading to no winner. They’re both equal, but that doesn’t put the age old question to rest. Which do you think is better?

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