Interview with Arushi Sharma

One of the most popular electives chosen here is choir. The two choir teachers are Mr. Raul Vara and Mrs. Jennifer Alexander. Here is an interview with Arushi Sharma, and seventh grade girls honors choir member.
Q: Why did you choose to do choir in 6th grade?
A: I chose choir because I like to sing.
Q: How did you feel about it on the first day of school in 6th grade?
A: It was super awkward because I didn’t know anyone, but as I got to know them, we became like a choir family.
Q: Did you feel like you were always having fun, working, or both?
A: When we need to work, we’ll work, but we get to have fun too.
Q: What did you feel most accomplished about after completing ms1 choir?
A: I got a solo in the spring show, I improved my sight reading skills, and then I got into honors choir.
Q: Did you have a complete decision that you were going to do choir in 6th grade when you picked your electives for that year?
A: No, because my parents wanted me to do orchestra, but I wanted to do choir.
Q: How did you feel after you found out that you were chosen for honors?
A: I was so happy because I’m in the highest rank choir now and I’m in a class with a bunch of girls who like to sing as much as me.
Q: How did you feel on the first day of honors?
A: I loved it, but when Mr. Vara put us in voice parts, he put me in soprano 2, and I really wanted to be a soprano 1, but now I really love being a soprano 2.
Q: Do you feel like choir gave you a chance to make new friends, learn, and have fun all at the same time?
A: Oh my god yes! All my best friends are in choir.
Q: Are you doing choir next year and why?
A: Heck yea. I want a solo in the spring show next year.
Q: What is your favorite thing about choir?
A: My favorite thing was that my friends were with me and that my singing skills improved a lot.

Ariel was born in Florida, but moved to Austin at age two. She loves to read, especially the Land of Stories series. Speaking of books, Ariel enjoys Language...