Super Smash Bros Ultimate: Why So Much Hype?
Super Smash Brothers Ultimate is most likely the most hyped for Nintendo game right now. Hundreds have preordered it, and most people who haven’t, are asking for it for Christmas. But why is there so much hype? In this video, I will explain why.
Masahiro Sakurai, the guy behind Smash Bros and Kirby, released the first Smash Bros trailer in the March 8 Nintendo Direct. In this direct, two things were confirmed. First, and most obviously, a new Smash Bros game was coming to the Switch. Secondly, that the Inklings, relatively new characters, were going to be new fighters in Smash. This alone, caused a lot of hype and speculation.
The next reason is the leaks. Many hyped for characters have been leaked to be in the game, such as Ridley, King K. Rool, and Isabelle. As a bonus, every character in the previous games was being put in too. It got to a point where Nintendo had to stop giving out leaks because everything would get spoiled.
There’s so much content packed into Super Smash Bros Ultimate. There are over 100 different levels to choose from, over 70 characters, and over 800 songs! With this much content packed into a small little cartridge, people are bound to love it. For $60, you are getting so much content, you’d be crazy not to be hyped!
In addition, everyone’s been asking for Smash Ultimate, before it was announced. It was the game every Switch owner unanimously wanted (besides Mario Odyssey), so once it was announced, naturally, everyone went crazy!
In all, I think Super Smash Brothers Ultimate, is going to be an outstanding game, and everyone’s going to love it. It takes almost every wish that the community had, and grants it (except Waluigi… *sigh*). And so, I believe this will be one of, if not the best, Smash Bros game. And I think many people will agree on me with that. That’s why there’s so much hype for Super Smash Bros Ultimate.

Colin Johnson is a writer who always wants to interview people. He always writes funny articles and works on the Opioninist. Be sure to say hello to him...
Raghuram Paturi • Oct 29, 2018 at 9:13 am
the super smasher bros article was okay like this article
Andrew Watson • Oct 29, 2018 at 9:06 am
Waluigi Would just be a reskin of luigi