Geography Bee
The Taklimakan[TAH-klh-muh-KAHN] desert, home to the Uyghur [ WEE-ghur] people, is located north of the Kunlun Mountains in which Asian country?
I you guessed China you
Canyon vista Middle school held it’s geography bee on Thursday November 16. This is the school qualifying event for the 30th annual national geography bee. We interviewed some of the winners.
We asked first place winner Toby Huang (8) what the winning question was.
” The Kansai bridge in Japan connects the island of Hokkaido to which other island.”
Then we asked the second place winner Marina Oquendo (8) what the most nerve-wracking moment was .
“Waiting for the moment to answer the question,” said Marina (8)
We asked 3rd place winner Silas Ou (6) his motivation. He claimed it was a combination of his mom’s support for him and his fellow 6th graders rooting for him.
When he was asked about the Hardest/Eliminating Questions, he stated that it was “Which state has an lower and upper peninsula and is known for his cherry growing?” the answer was Michigan, although he guessed Florida .
Winning Question “Which country borders Croatia and Ukraine?”Hungary

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