Wellness Wednesday: beating the holiday bulge

The average weight gained by Americans, from Thanksgiving to New Years Day, is one pound. This may not seem like a lot but when people don’t exercise and get the nutrition they need, the weight adds up over the years.

To keep the holiday bulge off, restrain yourself from eating too much dessert or too many cookies, like Mrs. Nosal's amazing snickerdoodles. Photo by Artemisia
To keep the holiday bulge off, restrain yourself from eating too much dessert or too many cookies, like Mrs. Nosal’s amazing snickerdoodles. Photo by Artemisia

Why do people gain so much weight over the holidays? According to Emilie Sennebogen, humans are attracted to binge eating. When food used to not be sold at grocery stores, our predecessors endured long periods of hunger. Whenever they were given the chance to eat food, they would try and eat as much as they could. Binge eating is a type of eating disorder that everyone supposedly has, and is most common during the holidays.

One of the most popular New Year’s resolutions is to be fit and lose weight. Studies show that two out of three people want to be healthier for the upcoming year. Other popular resolutions are to quit smoking or other bad habits that can negatively affect one’s health. Unfortunately, it is common for people to eat a lot of junk food to get their mind off their resolutions. The holiday season is one of the most notorious holidays for people to gain weight next to Thanksgiving. On average, people can gain one to 10 pounds

It can be really hard to lose weight after Christmas but there are easy solutions. One simple way to increase your weight loss is to drink a lot of water. According to Reader’s Digest, people often mistake thirst for hunger, so whenever you feel hungry, try drinking water first. Water is also known to make you feel full. Studies show that iced tea is a good substitute for those who prefer a more flavorful alternative.

Another easy home remedy is to add a little salsa to your meals. Salsa can substitute mayo and the spiciness helps you slow down and listen to your stomach. It also packs a punch of flavor without all the fat.

Or if you’re craving for a sweet but don’t want all the calories eat some melons. According to Discovery Fit & Health, watermelons, cantaloupe, or honeydew have a natural sweetness that can help you avoid table sugar, corn syrup, or honey. Melons are also high in fiber and naturally fat free. They are refreshing and can be frozen to make a sweet popsicle.

Once you have started to lose weight don’t stop even after you have reached your weight loss goal. Many people tend to relax a little and reward themselves once they have lost the inches but that could unravel all of the work. After you are satisfied with your results, continue with your healthier lifestyle. It’s important to regulate a balanced diet that you can continue for the rest of your life.