Austin Pets Alive

Pet lovers listen up, you can help the little canines and felines who don’t have a home here in Austin. We are lucky to have an amazing organization called Austin Pets Alive! They make a home for hundreds of cats and dogs, and they are a no-kill shelter. There are 3 locations near central Austin, where they take care of unfortunate pets.From simply attending an event to fostering, there are many ways to help out.
Austin Pets Alive! (APA!) holds events every week, and sometimes multiple times a week. Some of their more recognizable events are Love Your Rescue Pet Day, No-Kill Anniversary, Amplify Austin and Tailwaggers Attending these events helps get these animals adopted and raises money to help these little cuties with there essential and medical needs. Speaking of raising money, visit the APA! website and you can browse the store and buy merchandise while also helping animals in need.
Not only do they care for animals who don’t have a home, they save them. One of their recent projects was saving dogs and cats from the aftermath of hurricane Harvey. APA! cares for the sick and injured with many programs such as Parvo Puppy ICU and FeLV Adoption Center. By donating to these programs, you help pay for surgeries and medicine for unfortunate dogs and cats.
“We have an intricate organization with many different programs that support our animals. A few of those programs are our Ringworm Adoption Center, Parvo Puppy ICU, Feline Leukemia Adoption Center, and Neonatal kitten nursery. Both monetary and in-kind donations go to support those programs so that we may continue to serve the animals that benefit from them.” Hannah Horstman, APA! Communications and Events Manager said, “The pets that are under APA!’s care are those that need us the most. They are pulled directly from euthanasia lists from other shelters and brought into the programs at APA! that address their specific needs. For example, an animal that is sick or injured would come to APA! from another shelter so that it could be cared for at our clinic. Knowing that APA! is helping adopters help these animals have a second chance at life is truly unique and special!”
If you really want to get involved, try volunteering. It’s one of the best ways to help. “APA! has many volunteer opportunities and relies heavily on volunteers to make sure all of the needs of the organization are met (dog walking, donation sorting, giving lyme-sulfur baths to the kitties with ring worm, etc.).” Horstman says.
To volunteer, go here and fill out a form. All ages can participate. Keep in mind there is a registration fee, but also scores you an Austin Pets Alive! tee shirt! If you are thinking about volunteering, be sure you have the time and are truly committed, because you have to work your way up to take some precious puppies on a walk!
If you are interested in adopting a dog or cat look to APA! or just any shelter, by doing that you will save two animals, by adopting one, you open up a spot for another pet in need. There are many dogs of all ages looking for a loving home, and you can find the perfect one for you with their easy system. On the APA! website, they help you find your desired dog by giving you options such as breed, gender, age, etc. For dogs, though, they have ranked the 1-5 for how good they are around children, cats, other dogs, and how well they behave home alone. You are sure to discover your purrfect buddy.
If you can not commit to adoption, but still want the company of a furry friend, then try fostering from Austin Pets Alive! Contact APA! and you can take a dog in temporarily until they are adopted. Fostering is a great way to show an animal they are loved and help them establish a friendly relationship with humans. If you have other pets, it will help your foster pet, and your pets become more used to other animals. Another great perk about fostering, it doesn’t have to be full time! You have the option to care for your foster animal on weekends, weekdays, or even just once a week!
Helping animals from Austin Pets Alive will not only help those cats and dogs, but it will make you happier too. Making their lives better will make you feel good about yourself. Whether you end up fostering, donating, adopting, or volunteering, you’re saving an adorable life in need, and APA! is the way to do it. So go to their website, and see what difference you can make.