14 Things To Do Before You Turn 14

Everybody has heard of a bucket list: all of the things that you want to do during your life. Many people have bucket lists, but it can be hard to be motivated enough to finish them. However, these kinds of lists are long-term and are usually put off to the side with an ‘I’ll do it later’. While having a set of things that you want to do is fun and exciting, it’s often not completed.

Sometimes bucket lists usually include things that people can only dream of, untouchable ideas that are far from reality. The long-term excuse gets in your head, and you don’t get to finish your goal. So why not make it more achievable? With a deadline, the things that you want to do can finally be completed. With the finish line being your 14th birthday, I asked around to get some ideas. Here are 14 Things To Do Before Turning 14 by your fellow students.

  1. Make a website
  2. Ride all the rides in an amusement park
  3. Publish a writing piece
  4. Get a perfect score on a test
  5. Go skiing
  6. Travel to a different country
  7. Learn another language
  8. Run a half-marathon
  9. Try a new sport
  10. Go horseback riding
  11. Appear on TV
  12. Go to a concert
  13. Volunteer for a cause you care about
  14. Go without a phone for a day

There are a lot of other activities that you can do. Some are hard and some are easy, but all of them are worth it. Aim high and work for your goals. Your 14th birthday may be approaching, so make sure to keep these things in mind!