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The Student News Site of Canyon Vista Middle School

Canyon Echoes

The Student News Site of Canyon Vista Middle School

Canyon Echoes

The Student News Site of Canyon Vista Middle School

Canyon Echoes

Stephen Sondheim Dies at 91

Stephen Sondheim Dies at 91

Mayla Montgomery, Reporter December 15, 2021

This week, the musical theater community lost one of its most important members. On November 26, 2021, famed composer and lyricist Stephen Sondheim passed away. He was 91 years old. You may know Sondheim...

Teenagers and Sleep

Teenagers and Sleep

Mayla Montgomery, Reporter December 15, 2021

Have you ever had a day where keeping your eyes open was a chore? When the thought of going to bed, and going to sleep was all that was keeping you going? If so, you aren't alone. Studies say that teenagers...

Fall Festival Reviews from Students

Fall Festival Reviews from Students

Sunwoo Choi, Reporter December 1, 2021

Last week, Canyon Vista Middle School had it's first festival this year. In lieu of the long gone school dances of pre-covid years, the school organized a Fall Festival with games and activities organized...

School Shootings and how they affect all of us

School Shootings and how they affect all of us

Nikhil Gupta, Editor in Chief December 1, 2021

School Shootings have been on the rise recently, and they have had a major effect on all of us.  Here is a list of the worst tragedies.   Sandy Hook Elementary School A 20-year-old man named...

Editorial: Stop Saying "Gay" As An Insult.

Editorial: Stop Saying “Gay” As An Insult.

Nikhil Gupta, Editor in Chief December 1, 2021

You have likely heard many students call other students "gay" as an insult. Here is an example. Mark: Did you know that Antonio still plays Fortnite? Andrew: Really? That is so gay! The major problem...

A view of the set of Rust.

The Alec Baldwin Shooting

Sunwoo Choi, Reporter November 5, 2021

On October 21, Alec Baldwin was on the set of the upcoming movie Rust in the sun-bleached grounds of New Mexico. He was practicing for a scene where he would fire a blank at the camera, not knowing there...

CVMS Orchestra Fall Concert Program

CVMS Orchestra Fall Concert Program

November 5, 2021

First Year Orchestra See Saw- Traditional One Up, One Down- Traditional See A Little Monkey- Traditional D Major Scale- Arr. John Higgins Lightly Row- Arr. John Higgins Song For Christine- Arr. John...

The History of Halloween

The History of Halloween

Leah Jones, Reporter October 29, 2021

Halloween is a very well-known and widely celebrated holiday, but most people don’t know the history of it.  Historically, it started in Christian beliefs and practices. The name “Halloween”...

What's the deal with school dress code?

What’s the deal with school dress code?

Arden Choi, Reporter October 19, 2021

  What’s the deal with school dress code? The first bell rings early in the morning, as you crowd in the door and begin the journey to your usual 1st period class.  Normally, you dread going...

An Interview with Mr. Hampf

An Interview with Mr. Hampf

Ivan Schere, Reporter October 11, 2021

Here are some questions I asked him for an interview. Q: Were you previously a teacher at a different school? A: I was. Brushy Creek Elementary. Q: Why did you choose to teach Texas history? A:...

Meet Ms.Kuttanna, Our 6th Grade ELA Teacher!

Meet Ms.Kuttanna, Our 6th Grade ELA Teacher!

Jasmine Choi, Reporter October 11, 2021

Here is my interview with her. 1. What kind of schools have you been to in RoundRock ISD except for Canyon Vista? - I taught at Grisham Middle School for 2 years. When I was there, I taught Math Intervention...

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