With the NBA playoffs in full swing, its time to see what team CVMS thinks will be the 2019 NBA champion. In order to even try to be in the NBA playoffs, you must be top 8 in your respective conference(based...
Every year, the National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) hosts Powderpuff, a football game where the football players and cheerleaders switch places. This year, the Powderpuff game was on April 12 and benefitted...
Track season was very rewarding for the Mustangs. Fort wo2 years in a row, the girls have dominated and earned another District Track Championship. Overall, 7th and 8th grade boys and girls earned a RRISD...
Have you ever woken up tired and sore from an intense workout or practice? For most athletes, it's just another part of playing sports. Most of the time, however, it can be avoided or eased. Here are a...
The last sport of the year is here, and tryouts are soon. Soccer is the one sport that you do not have to be in athletics for, so if you have any experience, come try out.
Boys Soccer
Next week, from...
How did you feel during the track meet? I felt nervous and happy at the same time. I was nervous because I had one of the first races. Also, I was trying something that I would not normally do. I was happy...
For the first time ever, CVMS is hosting a Mustang Hustle! Come join us as we run a 5k fun run on April 13, 2019. Whether you are a fast runner or not, this race is for you! Don't feel pressured, it's...
Coach RamirezĀ serves a lot on the Canyon Vista campus, from a DJ at the school socials, to the girls' basketball coach, to the beloved art teacher.
For the season though, here are some questions for...
Synchronized Swimming is a sport where people team up and dance in the water, the result? A beautiful routine, a mixture of dance, acrobatics, and last but not least swimming. All of these are combined...
I asked a few CVMS basketball players on how they are liking the basketball season. I personally think that the basketballĀ season is going great. because of all the hard work the team is putting in. We...