The Perfect Present According to 10 Students
If kids had an endless amount of money, what would be their one dream present for Christmas?
Maria Morjan (6):
“I would give money to the charities.”
Aryan Punalekar (7) and Cooper Lueck (7):
“If we had an infinite amount of money, we would bribe the teachers into letting us quit school with all A’s.”
Matthew Ehlert (8):
“If I had an infinite amount of money I would put it into cryogenics research.”
Kaydance Esquivel (8):
“This might sound really cheesy but I would donate it to animal shelters to help all of the little animals because I like dogs.”
Kl’che Brown (8):
“My dream present would be Jordans 13. Like the shoes.”
Lily Jenkins (8):
“I think I would go to Jamaica.”
Indi Kolouru (6):
“If I had an infinite amount of money I think I would buy the world because then I could get what I want and show people that I have lots of money.”
Spencer White (6):
“All I would have is presents. And Voltron, too.”
Zeus Zhang (6):
“If I were to have an infinite amount of money, and I was allowed to buy anything I want, I would save some for my college funds. Then I’ll buy the moon.”
Emma Portnoy (8):
(Long pause…)
Me: “Also I’m filming right now. You can go whenever you want.”
Emma: “I can have anything? And I can’t have infinite wishes?”
Me: “I mean, no one’s ever asked for that. But no, because you can’t buy it.”
(Long pause…)
Emma: “I would want… Is it like…”
Emma: “I would want a house. Like a good house.”
Me: “Barbie Dreamhouse?”
Emma: “No. Do you know the ones that the Kardashians live in? No, I want Shayne Dawson’s house, if I can have his golf cart.”
It seems like donating is the most popular thing this year! That and planets. Two planets.

Evan is a writer at canyon echoes. He's a real cool cat. He likes such entertainment like Over the Garden Wall, Kirby (not the anime) and good beats. Also...