Backpack Kid Dance
We asked students around Canyon Vista to see if they could do the Backpack dance, and here’s the results! Hope you enjoy!

Austin is an 8th grader that is in Newsmedia. He is a go-getter and tries to do his best in school. His dream vacation is to be in a tropical island, but...
Johnny from Taco Bell • Jan 15, 2019 at 1:33 pm
Austin Nguyen is probably my roll model and one of the top flossers to this day. Thank you.
Johnny from Taco Bell • Jan 15, 2019 at 1:32 pm
I myself truly love and greatly support this heavenly idea of this new dance called the floss and think it will come to be a magnificent part of our society.
Zack Catuogno • Dec 14, 2017 at 8:11 pm
i t s c a l l e d f l o s s i n g n o t t h e b a c k p a c k p a c k k i d d a n c e