Limerick Contest: Favorites

Last year, Canyon Echoes hosted a haiku contest, and several people entered a poem following the theme of “firsts”. This time, Canyon Echoes is presenting an all new Limerick Contest!

A limerick is a five line poem with the rhyme pattern AABBA. It’s usually funny or witty, although it doesn’t have to be. The first, second, and last lines usually have the same amount of syllables and rhyme. The third and fourth syllables rhyme with each other and they typically have the same number of syllables as well.

The theme for this year’s contest is “Favorites.” Whether it’s a favorite toy, favorite pet, or a favorite subject, anybody can submit a poem about their favorites. The poem does not have to have a specific tone, but make sure it follows the rules of a limerick and is school appropriate. Here is an example:

     Sweet, bitter, light, and white 
Take a huge, tasty bite
Chocolate, so incredibly rich
In our lives, such an important niche
Eat ’til it’s out of sight.

(Written by Alice Zhang; Favorite food)

Submit your limerick by filling out this form by Friday, February 20th. You can submit more than one entry, and the contest is open to both Canyon Vista students and staff. A guest panel will judge each limerick on the quality of the poem and how well it captures the “favorite” prompt. The winners of the contest will receive a prize as well as their poem being published right here on Canyon Echoes during the first week of March.