Puppy Bowl XIV


Everyone knows about the annual Super Bowl, but what about the Puppy Bowl?  This year marks the 14th annul Puppy Bowl, where ninety puppies from around the country, and one from Mexico, compete in their own “football” game.

Animal Planet streams a game where different types of puppies are put on teams “Ruff” or “Fluff” and are let free on a little, specially designed, football field. A team scores when a puppy brings a chew toy to either end-zone. Though, most puppies end up sleeping or playing with each other. The “Rufferee,” Dan Schachner, calls many hilarious penalties on zthe puppies.  This year, Team Fluff brought home the Lombarky Trophy, with a score of 52-47.    An MVP and an Underdog were awarded, with Bear as the MVP, and Mr. Wigglesworth as our Underdog.

The best thing about the Puppy Bowl is that, every year, almost all of the puppies get adopted, and other puppies from their shelters. Many of the Puppies this year were rescued form the various hurricanes that struck in 2017. One of the puppies, Mango, was flown in from Mexico, and now has a great home. The Puppy Bowl encourages watchers to adopt from rescue shelters, while also giving them an adorable show!

Check out this video for more about it!
