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The Student News Site of Canyon Vista Middle School

Canyon Echoes

The Student News Site of Canyon Vista Middle School

Canyon Echoes

The Student News Site of Canyon Vista Middle School

Canyon Echoes

STAAR Testing: Is it too much stress?
All About The AMC8 Competition
The Geometry Teacher Switches!

November 18, 2024

This year at Canyon Vista, Ms. Krull retired after 17 years as the Geometry teacher, and was replaced by Ms. Friesenhahn. Ms. Krull has been teaching...

All Aboard Mustang Express

March 18, 2024

Mustang express is a 4-day event in which fifth graders from elementary schools in RRISD come to visit the Canyon Vista campus in which they get to learn...

The Walsh UIL Competition

January 22, 2024

On January 20, the UIL (University Interscholastic League) of Canyon Vista competed in various categories in Walsh Middle School. These competitions are...

8th grade student explore electives at Westwood

December 7, 2023

On the morning of 17th November, 2023, Canyon Vista was preparing for what seemed to be the most awaited trip of the year for the 8th graders, the trip...

December 4, 2023

Thursday November 30th, the B-team girl's basketball team beat Ridgeview 24-17, at Canyon Vista. It was a tight game, but the team managed to stay a couple...

On Your Mark, Get Set, Run

November 27, 2023

Our CVMS students have been running since the beginning of the school year, up until October 6th. They got up before the sun and ran, to prepare for...

Fire Alarm Malfunction Causes For Entire School To Evacuate Twice

November 16, 2023

On Nov. 10, 2023 CVMS staff and students had to evacuate the school twice during the fourth and fifth period due to a fire alarm malfunction. The Austin...

Oh, What a Tangled Web: 2023 Fall Production

November 2, 2023

CVMS Theatre has put together this year’s fall production “Oh, What a Tangled Web” by John R. Carrol. There will be four shows. An evening show...

A Reflection On Mrs. Stehn’s Ten Years As Band Director

May 25, 2023

Mrs. Stehn- for ten years she has been a band director, and for ten years she and previous band directors have helped the band program bring in UIL trophies,...

Mrs. Hagerty: A Decade as a Principal

May 19, 2023

This year will be Mrs. Hagerty's 10th year as principal and 24th year of being in the education department. “I taught for six years. I taught at Hopewell...

The Growing Epidemic of Sleep Deprivation

May 18, 2023

You stare at your computer screen, eyes wide open as you revise for the following day’s history test. As you try to remember the dates, you feel a wave...

Pride “Break the Silence” Festival Brings Together Students

April 19, 2023

Canyon Vista hosted the third annual district-wide ‘Break the Silence’ Pride festival on April 15, 2023, one day after the Day of Silence from...

Behind the Scenes: Beauty and the Beast Jr.

March 7, 2023

The Canyon Vista Theatre and Choir presented the production “Beauty and the Beast Jr.” in a four-show run in the Canyon Vista Cafeteria. The production...

Power Outage Interrupt Classes at Canyon Vista

February 23, 2023

On Friday, February 10, Monday, February 13th, and Thursday, February 16th, there were power outages throughout the whole school. On the 10th the school’s...

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