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The Student News Site of Canyon Vista Middle School

Canyon Echoes

The Student News Site of Canyon Vista Middle School

Canyon Echoes

The Student News Site of Canyon Vista Middle School

Canyon Echoes



Oliver Barnfield, Cool Guy/Entertainment Editor September 1, 2017

It’s an age old question: which is better, Marvel or DC? From their humble beginnings as two comic book companies, they have evolved into the media juggernauts that we know and (I guess?) love. While...

Global Fest 2017

Global Fest 2017

May 23, 2017

Global Fest 2017 from Canyon Echoes on Vimeo.

8th Grade Formal 2017

8th Grade Formal 2017

May 14, 2017

See full gallery here (password protected) 

Teacher Appreciation Week

Teacher Appreciation Week

May 3, 2017

Thank you to our teachers!

Canyon Vista's Got Talent (Round 2)

Canyon Vista’s Got Talent (Round 2)

May 2, 2017

The final round of the talent show is here! You have narrowed it down to your top 5 talents. Vote for your favorite in Round 2 here! After this round, the winner will perform at the 8th grade awards...

Canyon Vista's Got Talent Round 1

Canyon Vista’s Got Talent Round 1

Hayden Swanson, Editor April 26, 2017

The talent show is here! Watch the video and vote for your top 5 favorite auditions (the ballot is in your student email.) The top 5 will be invited back for Round 2 next week.

DIY Paper Flowers

DIY Paper Flowers

Julia Fang, Reporter April 25, 2017

The Dangers of Deforestation

The Dangers of Deforestation

Srilekha Cherukuvada April 24, 2017

It’s official. Humans have ruined planet Earth. Each day, 2.47 million trees are cut down. This equals to about 900 million trees being cut down each year. They are torn down for making paper, cereal...

Alexander Hamilton: The Hip Hop Founding Father

Alexander Hamilton: The Hip Hop Founding Father

Zack Catuogno, Reporter April 24, 2017

The name Alexander Hamilton is suddenly out in the open, the story of one of the most influential founding fathers is becoming known, and this is due to Hamilton:An American Musical, written by , produced...

Getting to Know Nurse Lizmi

Getting to Know Nurse Lizmi

Sophie Steinhauser, Reporter April 24, 2017

You stumble to the student center, nurse pass in hand. You reach the nurse’s office, and are greeted by the friendly face of our school nurse: Meredith Lizmi. For the past 3 years, Nurse Lizmi...

Getting to Know Mr. Powell

Getting to Know Mr. Powell

Andrew Yao, Reporter April 24, 2017

With computers so ubiquitous these days, a typical student uses a computer multiple times a day. Yet very few people truly understand the importance of an IT (Instructional Technology) teacher. Our...

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