2017-2018 Faculty Guess Who: Awkward Photos
*Sigh* Awkward photos. If you say you haven’t had one you’d be lying. Have your parents pull out the old photo album and discover a world of awkward pictures. But you know who else has super awkward photos? That’s right, Canyon Vista’s very own teachers, below are a bunch of photos from our teachers awkward stage in life. Can you guess which one’s which?
Featured: Mrs. Sharpe, Ms. Rainey, Mrs. Sandlin, Mrs. Larson, Mrs. Hobbs, Ms. Yung, Mrs. McGowan, Mrs. Hagerty, Miss Wood, Mr. Haney, Mrs. Ramirez, Mr. Bedford, Mrs. Crain, Ms. Lennox, Ms. Slaughter, Mr. Garza, Coach Govea
Advisory teachers — Fill out the form to win a prize if your advisory guesses the most right!
Lucy is an outgoing, funny, and caring seventh grader. She is a Broadway addict and professional procrastinator. When she grows up she wants to be an...